Mike and Steph Scopes (Thursday, December 19th)


(Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

Limitations at work might set you back. Lack of funds may add stress to your already uncertain situation. Any attractions toward clients will be one sided and must be put right out of your head.


(Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

You mustn't be so trusting. You could have a change of heart if an old flame waltzes back into your life. Your partner may make you feel jealous and unloved.


(Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)

Authority figures may be less than accommodating if you have done something deceitful. Your dramatic approach to life has probably gotten to your mate. Romance is likely if you participate in unusual forms of entertainment.


(Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

Be prepared to meet new lovers through colleagues. You will need to finalize important deals today. Mingle with individuals who are established and can give you some serious insight into business and future trends.


(Mar. 21- April 20)

Rewards for past good deeds will be yours. Your mate is going to want and need some attention. If you try to manipulate emotional situations you will find yourself alienated.


(Apr. 21- may 21)

Opportunities to get ahead will be evident. You can find solutions if you are willing to communicate. Don't be too quick to judge others.


(May 22-June 21)

Try to keep ahead of the game. If you can put some work into home improvements, you should. Talk to someone you trust if you need advice about broaching the subject.


(June 22-July 22)

Sign up for courses that will bring you more skills. You may be fortunate while traveling. Sudden romance could end just as quickly.


(July 23-Aug 22)

Emotional matters may not be easy for you to handle. Your confidence is growing and advancement is apparent. Efforts made to improve yourself will turn out to your satisfaction.


(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

Upgrading at this point is not a bad plan. Insurance pay outs, tax rebates, or just plain luck. Your unique approach to life will interest others.


(Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

You can help other people with their financial problems by setting up a budget for them. Avoid lending money or belongings to friends. Limitations with females could lead to unfortunate circumstances.


(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

If it can make you extra cash, it will be even better. You may need to make a few alterations to your living arrangements. Be careful not to take on other people's problems. You may find yourself in a financial bind.

Today's Birthday

As Mars and Saturn combine on your birthday you can expect to be challenged in the months ahead, but be in no doubt that you have what it takes to meet those challenges and turn them into triumphs. The universe believes in you, so believe in yourself.

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