If Your Password is on This List You’re Screwed

In the digital age, the number of passwords you need to remember is only increasing and even though we are told each one needs to be different, it is more easily said than done.

Not only are we told that we have to have different passwords, they each should be a random combination of numbers and letters to ensure the utmost security.

If you are someone who uses the same password for everything and maybe chucks a number on the end every once in a while, then you are definitely not alone — but there are some daunting new figures that might make you rethink your strategy.

The top 100 passwords that have proved to be most vulnerable to these breaches are compiled in this list >> https://nypost.com/2018/06/12/if-your-password

1. If your password is on the list, change it.

2. Use the website to search any of your other details like an email address to see if they have been compromised and change them if necessary.

3. If you don’t want to have different passwords for every login, at least make sure the password for your email account is completely unique and you don’t use it anywhere else.

4. Use a mix of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols to create a secure password.

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