Just in case your Spring break doesn't include a sandy beach....

Spring break is around the corner. Need some survival tips:

  • Don't look at your child-free friends' Instagrams - If your kid is melting down for the seventh time today and you can’t get anything done, do you really want to see photos of people on vacation on sandy beaches with drinks in their hands? Probably not.
  • Extra screen time - Desperate times call for Netflix and that means your kids will probably be getting a bit more screen time than usual during the spring break staycation. And you won’t hear any judgment from us.
  • Go to the library - They have books, puzzles, movies, special programs, and sometimes you just need a change of scenery.
  • Headphones - A quick fix to tune out the kids’ music, or sometimes, just the kids.
  • Kick them outside - Send them out to play in the yard and get some fresh air and vitamin D and make them stay out there for longer than five minutes. You could even buy some new sidewalk chalk, bubbles, bouncing balls, or hula hoops to make it more fun.
  • Lower the cleanliness bar - Tired of cleaning up one mess only to find another one waiting when you’re finished? Stop driving yourself nuts and give in to the messy chaos for a change.
  • "The Snack Bag" - We all know one of the most annoying things about the kiddos being home 24/7 is someone asking for a snack every five minutes. So solve the problem by putting all the snacks they can have in a day in a bag with their name on it. They can eat them anytime, but when they’re gone, that’s it for the day. And you’ll be amazed how fast they start self-regulating.
  • Playgrounds - Give them an outlet for all that energy where they can run and play.
  • Wine - Not for the kids, of course, but for you to relax with at the end of the day.
  • Enjoy it - Our kids are pretty cool and getting to spend a little extra time with them can be fun. So try to let go of your expectations and just enjoy them while you can.

Source: Romper

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