Mike and Steph Scopes (Thursday, May 30th)


(May 22-June 21)

Go over your finances and figure out a solid budget. You have a real need to be vocal. Make residential changes that will lift your spirits.


(June 22-July 22)

You need to look into ways to change your self-image. Problems with colleagues are likely. Prove your worth; concentrate on getting the job done and steer clear of office politics and gossip.


(July 23-Aug 22)

Make some notes regarding the changes that you should make. You could pick up valuable knowledge through conversations with experienced individuals. You may be tom between two possibilities. This has left you in a confused and uncertain state.


(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

Look into some personal changes. You will be best suited to doing things around the house or inviting friends over for a visit. You may be emotional if you allow your lover to take advantage of your good nature.


(Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

You may find yourself in a predicament with family members. Promotions will be yours if you have acted professionally in times of crisis. You may want to take a serious look at your goals and objectives.


(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

It may not be the best time to socialize with clients or colleagues today. Your ideas will be well received. Don't let someone take the credit for a job you did.


(Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

Empty promises could be likely where work is concerned. Stay mellow. Chances to express your ideas and beliefs can bring popularity as long as you're not arrogant.


(Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

You should regain some of your self esteem if you get involved in organizational functions. You can look into new jobs but don't count on getting help from someone who may have promised you assistance. Be tolerant, but don't let any one take you for granted.


(Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)

Help with your aspirations is likely, and profits could follow. You should be in business for yourself. Lend an ear to children; it can make a difference.


(Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

Plan a nice evening for two. You may have difficulties with someone close to you. Opportunities to expand your circle of friends will result in possible new romantic encounters


(Mar. 21- April 20)

Use your intellectual approach to get the best results. You need to lie back and enjoy a little rest. Someone you least expect could be trying to make you look bad.


(Apr. 21- may 21)

You should expect to have changes in your home. Trouble could be brewing at home. Your creative input will be appreciated by your boss.

Today's Birthday

A large portion of your life over the coming year will be spent dreaming about all the things you would love to do. But why just dream about them? Why not make them happen? Dreams don’t exist just for fun, they exist to be acted on. So act, and live the dream!

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