Additional DUI Patrols Planned for 4th of July Weekend in Central PA

Sobriety checkpoints and/or roving DUI patrols will be conducted in Adams, Lancaster, and York Counties as part of both a national and statewide Fourth of July Impaired Driving Mobilization which began Monday, June 24 and continues throughout the weekend after the holiday, ending on July 7.

Municipal and state police will be out in full force stopping and arresting impaired drivers under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs both on land and on the water.

Independence Day celebrations often include cook-outs, picnics, boating, and time spent with family and friends. Unfortunately, this iconic holiday is also one of the deadliest holidays of the year due to impaired driving. For as many good memories as the Fourth of July holiday can provide, it can also create devastating nightmares for families who lose a loved one due to impaired driving.

Impaired driving is one of America's deadliest problems. According to PennDOT data, in 2018 there were 17 alcohol-related fatalities from Friday, June 29 through Sunday, July 8. This marked an increase in fatalities from 2017, when there were ten alcohol-related fatalities from Friday, June 30 through Sunday, July 9. Also, during the holiday period last year, there were eight drug-related fatalities, compared to five in 2017. Data from the Fish and Boat Commission shows that there were 51 boating-under-the-influence arrests in 2018, a decrease from 68 in 2017.

“We want everyone to celebrate our nation’s freedom; all we’re asking is that they celebrate responsibly,” said Barbara Zortman, director of the Center for Traffic Safety. “Yes, law enforcement is going to be working extra hard this holiday to make our roadways safer by getting impaired drivers off of the road, but our ultimate goal is to stop the impaired driver from getting behind the wheel in the first place. We encourage people to making alternative transportation plans before they begin drinking; such as designating a sober driver, or calling a ride service,” added Zortman.


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