Mike and Steph Scopes (Thursday, January 13th)

Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

Romance will develop through work. Emotional situations could bring out your stubborn nature. Resist the temptation to gamble. Risks will not be profitable.

Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

You could do extremely well in competitive sports events. Opportunities to expand your circle of friends will result in possible new romantic encounters. You can raise your standard of living if you pick up some freelance work on the side.

Pisces - February 19 - March 20

Read between the lines before you sign your name. Positive changes regarding your personal status are evident. It will do you some good.

Aries - March 21 - April 20

Your relationship is undergoing some changes. Have some fun, but draw the line if someone tries to fast talk their way into your heart. Your desire for excitement and adventure may be expensive.

Taurus - April 21 - May 20

Try and avoid getting involved in idle chatter or gossip that might get you in trouble. You must try to lay your cards on the table. Talk to your mate and tell them how you feel. You can make money if you concentrate on producing services or goods that will make domestic chores easier.

Gemini - May 21 - June 21

You could be blind to the defects of those you love. Maybe it's time to look into ways you can improve your health. Take a look at investment opportunities.

Cancer - June 22 - July 22

Delve into worthwhile causes that will show results if you put in the effort. Investments may not be as lucrative as you thought. You might find group functions tiring.

Leo - July 23 -August 22

Spend some time on yourself. Consider making residential changes; either moves or renovations could payoff. You will have original ideas for ways to make extra money.

Virgo - August 23 - September 22

Take advantage of your attributes and lure the mate of your choice. A change of attitude has probably disrupted your home environment. Dream a little today.

Libra - September 23 - October 22

Try not to allow your partner to lead you astray or upset your routine. Your personal life will be disrupted if you have been too busy with business. Use your quick wit to win points with friends.

Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

Unique forms of entertainment could capture your attention and bring about a romantic interest. You would be best to work late in order to avoid such disharmony. Involvement in groups will be favorable and lead to valuable information.

Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20

Opportunities to make advancements through good business sense are apparent. You'll be surprised how much you can accomplish. You will need to do a lot of research if you wish to get to the bottom of things.

Daily Horoscopes

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