Sharing wedding dress dreams

A bride who tied the knot last month has started a trend by giving her wedding dress away to a future bride.

After the wedding, Gwendolyn Stulgis  realized her dress wasn’t much use to her, but could be useful to another bride. So she decided to give it away to another woman to wear on her special day.

So on May 19th, she posted on Facebook that she wanted to pass her wedding gown on to a future bride, stipulating two conditions: the bride’s wedding date would be within the next three months and the bride would promise to pass it on too. Women applied through Facebook and Gwendolyn and her husband sorted through submissions until they chose Margaret Hyde as the winner. Her sister-in-law had secretly sent in her submission before the bride-to-be sent one in herself. She was chosen in part because her sister-in-law says Margaret is “always the one doing the giving.”

Gwendolyn says her dress giveaway has started a small trend that has more brides giving away their gowns.

Since her post, she says 12 brides are donating their dresses in the “Shared Dream Dresses" Facebook group that she started.

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