Mike and Steph Scopes (Monday, October 31st)

Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

Unpleasant situations concerning family members will be unnerving. You can make financial deals that will bring you extra cash. You must use discretion when talking to others. Gambling should not be an option.

Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20

Accomplishment is yours if you direct yourself accordingly. You can make money if you work on personal investments. You will have to make changes in order to eliminate the tension.

Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

Opportunities for advancement at work are apparent. Be discreet with private information. Pleasure trips will promote romance. You can change your living arrangements.

Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

Someone around you may not be trustworthy. Children may be less than honest with you. Drastic financial losses may be likely if you lend money.

Pisces - February 19 - March 20

Changes in your home may be alarming at first. The great outdoors will allow you to teach youngsters some of the things you learned when growing up. Get the red tape and the unwanted paperwork out of the way

Aries - March 21 - April 20

Don't let relatives stand in the way of your personal plans. Added knowledge will give you the edge when dealing with peers. Instant romance could be yours if you go out with friends.

Taurus - April 21 - May 20

Keep your mind on your work and stay away from situations that could ruin your reputation. You may need the space, but you need the extra cash more. You will be emotional with regard to your personal life.

Gemini - May 21 - June 21

You can make gains if you look at long-term investments. Your anger may be impossible to contain if you get into debates with family members. Your fickle nature may cause jealousy.

Cancer - June 22 - July 22

You might find that delays will cause setbacks and upset. You will upset your partner if you have spent money on things that aren't necessary. If you're single, get out there and you'll meet someone new.

Leo - July 23 -August 22

You need to make your environment a better place, with more comforts and a better entertainment center. Social events held in your home will be successful and entertaining for those who attend. Partnerships may be plentiful.

Virgo - August 23 - September 22

You will communicate with ease today. It's a good time to make changes to your living quarters that will give you more space. Don't push your opinions on others today or you may find yourself in the doghouse.

Libra - September 23 - October 22

There's a good chance that they won't come back. Your lover may feel rejected. Educational courses will be stimulating and successful.

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