PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)You need to do something energetic and different. Stress may cause minor health ailments. Try to address the real issues in order to turn things around.
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)Be careful not to take on other people's problems. You may find yourself in a financial bind. Discuss your objectives with peers or lovers. Exhaustion will lead to minor injury if you don't know when to quit.
TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21)Changes in your residence will be favorable in the long haul. Avoid conflicts with in-laws or other family members. You can get into weight loss programs or go out and change your image with a new look in clothing, hairstyle, and attitude.
GEMINI (May 22-June 21)Sudden changes will occur through communications with friends or in-laws. Avoid arguments with relatives who might be conservative and outdated. Be prepared to jump quickly if you wish to stay in the forefront of your industry today.
CANCER (June 22-July 22)Minor fevers or infections will develop if you're over-stressed. Take care of the needs or responsibilities of elders. Self-deception about relationships is a problem.
LEO (July 23-Aug 22)Renovations to your domestic scene will pay high rewards. If you're preoccupied, be careful while operating a vehicle or any kind of equipment or machinery. You can mesmerize anyone you meet with your cultured attitude and outlook.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)You can't lose today unless you get involved in gossip or overwork to the point of exhaustion. Be precise in your communications to avoid any misunderstandings and arguments. Be discreet with private information. Pleasure trips will promote romance.
LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)You will be entertained and intrigued by the logic foreigners possess. Promotions will be yours if you have acted professionally in times of crisis. Unpleasant situations concerning family members will be unnerving.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)Expect some flak. Be honest in your communication and don't lose your cool if someone backs you into a corner. Health problems may prevail if you haven't been getting enough rest.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)Uncertainties about your living arrangements may be unnerving. Romance will unfold if you take trips or get together with friends. Friendships will be ruined if you let too many people get involved in any disputes.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)You might not be as reserved on an emotional level as you'd like. You can make new friends and experience new things if you do a bit of traveling. Elders may get you going today.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)Expressing yourself in novel ways should lead you down new avenues. Travel and family gatherings should be in order. You should get into programs that will enhance your appearance and help you to be the best that you can.
Venus and Mars, the relationship planets, are strong on your birthday this year, so affairs of the heart will be of major importance over the coming 12 months. If love really does make the world go around it won't only be your head that's spinning.