Why is he always wearing a hat?


It’s always important to make a good first impression on a dating site, but it seems more and more men are doing so by hiding a big secret, and folks are a getting a big fed up by it.

According to the Huffington Post, more and more singles are complaining about becoming the victims of something called “hatfishing,” which is when men wear hats all over their dating profile, hiding the fact that they are actually bald, or balding. The trend and name has actually been around for several years, but it seems to be more prevalent that ever, and as some singles note, totally unnecessary. 

“I wish hatfishers knew that many of us don’t mind it,” Cristian Garcia of San Francisco tells the site. “I personally just don’t like them trying to hide it from me because I’ll find out eventually. I want hatfishers to stop and be the realest version of themselves when dating.”

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