Mike and Steph Scopes (Friday, November 1st)


(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

You can make major gains if you talk to your boss about your findings. Take matters in hand when it comes to dealing with clients or colleagues. You will reach the most people if you speak out at an organizational function.


(Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

Insurance pay outs, tax rebates, or just plain luck. Get motivated and follow up on some self-improvement resolutions. You don't like confrontations at the best of times; however, you may find them difficult to avoid.


(Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

Changes to your self image will be to your benefit as long as you don't over pay. Sign up for seminars that will expand your business awareness. You could have a need to make some changes today.


(Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)

Be careful what you consume today. Don't let your partner get you going. You are best to travel or attend lectures or seminars. Deception may cause disputes you can do without.


(Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

Your high enthusiasm will be sure to inspire anybody around you. Don't be taken advantage of by any fast talking salesperson trying to part you from your cash. Don't be too eager to dismiss someone who works under you.


(Mar. 21- April 20)

Opportunities for new romantic encounters will unfold through the social events you attend. There might be one who is quite willing to take the credit for your work. Join a club to work off that excess energy; but consider ways of doing that without spending the money.


(Apr. 21- may 21)

You can win points with children if you take the time to show interest in their accomplishments. You need to spend some time reflecting on past experiences and involvements. Keep on your toes when dealing with others.


(May 22-June 21)

You will have difficulties spreading yourself between your work and your home. Hidden matters are likely to surface. Try not to let relatives or friends cause any friction with your mate.


(June 22-July 22)

Talk to your emotional partner about your intentions. Don't delay; go to your physician or dentist and get to the bottom of the discomfort. Don't give out any personal information that you don't want spread around.


(July 23-Aug 22)

You need more space for the whole family. Your nerves are frazzled. Too much work and no play will not only result in fatigue and frustration but also loneliness, too.


(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

Try to avoid functions that will bring you in contact with those you find difficult to get along with. Raise your self esteem and your confidence if you want to get back into the mainstream again. Don't be shy to promote your own interests.


(Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

You may find that depression is causing you to feel lonely and insecure. You won't get the reaction you want from your mate today. Don't overspend on luxury items

Today's Birthday

Money matters will be uppermost in your thoughts over the coming 12 months but you will do better financially if you put what your head tells you on hold and let your heart guide you. It may seem strange to some but to you it will make perfect sense.

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