Mike and Steph Scopes (Thursday, October 28th)

Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

Limitations with females could lead to unfortunate circumstances. You can open up to your mate and let them know what you expect out of this relationship. Be discreet with private information. Pleasure trips will promote romance.

Sagittarius- November 22 - December 20

You will be subject to pushy individuals if you get involved in uncertain organizations. Opportunities to get involved in investment groups will payoff. You will enjoy getting together with friends.

Capricorn - December 21 - January 19

You will enjoy interaction with others today. Peers may not be on your side. Opportunities to get together with friends will be enlightening and entertaining.

Aquarius- January 20 - February 18

Partnerships could prove to be lucrative. You will be highly sensitive to comments made by your lover. Problems with financial investments could make you nervous.

Pisces - February 19 - March 20

Beware of colleagues who don't have your best interests in mind. Socialize with friends, but don't overspend on lavish entertainment. Resist secret affairs that could be detrimental to your reputation.

Aries - March 21 - April 20

You need to be sure that you aren't in your present relationship because it is convenient. Keep important information to yourself. Organization will be the key to avoiding discord and family feuds.

Taurus - April 21 - May 20

You may want to take a serious look at your goals and objectives. Don't shy away from potential mates they want to introduce you to. Home improvement projects will run smoothly.

Gemini - May 21 - June 21

Don't shy away from potential mates they want to introduce you to. Compromise if you wish to have any fun at all. Don't make excuses.

Cancer - June 22 - July 22

Deal with the needs of children. You can make headway in the workforce if you put your mind to it. They won't pay you back and you'll be upset.

Leo - July 23 -August 22

Don't let individuals with wild schemes talk you into a financial deal that is not likely to be successful. Don't make excuses. Communication will be the source of your knowledge and you must be sure to spend time with those who have more experience.

Virgo - August 23 - September 22

You can meet someone who will become very dear to you if you get out and socialize. Opportunities may come up at prestigious affairs. Instant romance could be yours if you go out with friends.

Libra - September 23 - October 22

Do whatever your mate wants; it really doesn't matter as long as you're together. You can be sure that any dealing with large institutions should go well. Bring work home if it will help you get caught up.

Daily Horoscopes

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