Ryan Seacrest

Ryan Seacrest

Ryan is quite simply one of the most influential, well-regarded, and well-known names in Hollywood. He is the quintessential Hollywood insider who...Full Bio


Your Weekly Horoscopes - February 19, 2024

How is your week looking? Check out your horoscopes here:

· ARIES – Don’t let this week go by without spending quality time with your family. Your week is a 7.9

· TAURUS – Work is your priority this week, there is light at the end of this tunnel. Your week is an 8.0

· GEMINI – You’d never run a marathon without preparing your body, think about that. Your week is a 9.0

· CANCER – Your dreams aren’t just random, spend some time really finding the root. Your week is a 7.7

· LEO – The rainbow comes after the storm … but first you’re going to endure a little rain. Your week is a 6.9

· VIRGO – You need to be inspired, read a book, take a walk somewhere new. You need something new to shake it up. Your week is an 8.0

· LIBRA – Cross your T’s and dot your I’s. This week is going to require you to be very focused. Your week is an 8.5

· SCORPIO – An uncomfortable situation at home is going to finally come to the surface this week, once it’s over it will be a relief. Your week is a 6.8

· SAGITTARIUS – A flower doesn’t compete with the one next to it – and neither should you. Bloom baby. Your week is a 9.8

· CAPRICORN - The cold weather will give you a breakthrough you’ve been seeking. Time to bust out those ski boots. Your week is an 8.0

· AQUARIUS – Sometimes you think you’re swimming in circles until your finally find the gold. Keep at it. Your week is a 7.5

· PISCES – You are everything to everyone all at once – this week take time for yourself. Your week is an 8.8

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